Friday, October 23, 2009

Suggestions from the Tower Garden Manager

Our 2009 Fall cleanup for the Master Gardener "Tower Garden" took place October 17th. This year the cleanup was done in one day thanks to the help received from Master Gardeners Jeanne Jensen and Keith Harris and Community Volunteers Virginia Miller and Lisa Lake.

When a work party is needed, I send out a notification specifying a day and what time I'll be working in the garden. I invite them to join me for part or all of the day; whatever works for their schedule. Included in this notification is a list of suggested items to bring for example: gloves,tools, coffee, water bottle and I include weather information so volunteers can dress accordingly. Volunteers appreciate the organization and time flexibility and enthusiasm of the garden project.

The garden has a volunteer base of about 15. Master Gardeners, friends and employees of the Umatilla-Morrow ESD make up the volunteer pool. Students from the Pendleton Alternative Education School also put in time last Spring getting the garden up and running. This is the 5th year for the garden,which means clean-up has been fine tuned to be done quickly and efficiently.

Also, once a volunteer is comfortable with the garden purpose and routine,they are invited to stop in anytime and do light maintenance (weeding,trimming, etc) at their convenience. Volunteers give me a heads up of their plan and I give them the approval to go ahead. It has been a great way to have volunteers share with me another view of garden needs. As reported by Annette Frye, Garden Manager.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jack Frost stopped by, but where is the Garden Fairy?

I find that this time of year I wish the Garden Fairy would just show up and put my garden to bed for the winter. Once Jack Frost stomps through the garden, it just loses some of the excitment plus it just isn't as pleasant to hang around....
The same thing can happen at our Community and Demonstration Gardens - so the question I pose to everyone out there working in community-type gardens is how does one sustain the energy and excitement as the garden season lingers on.....

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Showing our true colors!


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Fall temperatures bring out the gardening sweatshirts

Die heart gardeners don't let a dip in temperatures slowdown their gardening activities! With September in our rear view window, it is time to gather in those late season vegetables and fruits. The Umatilla County Master Gardeners are still hard at it and yesterday I catch a few of them in the act of gardening at the Hermiston Station Demo Garden! They noted that the pounds have dropped off, but there are stills some high quality and tasty veggies come out of the garden.
Their garden weekly take was:
40 lbs tomatoes, 8 lbs banana peppers, 8 lbs jalapenos, 5 bell lbs peppers, 30 lbs cucumbers, 2 buckets of flowers, and 3 lbs eggplant!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

wheat and pastures Wildhorse 2009 043.jpg

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wheat and pastures Wildhorse 2009 043.jpg

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Garden of Hope

There is a great story in the Hermiston Herald about the community garden that our very own Master Gardener Sylvia Smith was instrumental in making happen. We are so proud of her accomplishments!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


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Garden gathering

This week was our end of the season Harvest Party and Cookout hosted by Keith and Mary Harris in their home south of Pendleton. How much fun it was to visit about our summer adventures both in and outside the garden! Keith shared his wonderful catch of halibut and salmon from his trip to Alaska. Others shared beautiful food creations from their gardens.
On the way home I stopped at McKay Reservoir to catch some sunset pictures. The best sighting of the evening was the moon rising above the water.